bset dpi in free fire for Samsung Galaxy
In this article, I will share with you the best dpi in free fire for all Samsung Galaxy mobiles in 2022.
free fire best dpi for Samsung Galaxy mobiles
The Dpi plays an important role in increasing the sensitivity of Free fire, as well as speeding up the phone and removing lage in free fire.
But you have to find the appropriate dpi for your phone to kill enemies Headshot in Garena free fire best shooting game, in this topic I'm going to share with you the best dpi for all mobile Samsung galaxy in 2022.
dpi free fire Samsung Galaxy A01 To A31
- dpi Samsung A01 free fire: 680.
- dpi Samsung A02 free fire: 960.
- dpi Samsung A02s free fire: 599.
- dpi Samsung A5 free fire: 600.
- dpi Samsung A7 free fire: 960/850.
- dpi Samsung A8 plus free fire: 760.
- dpi Samsung A9 free fire: 800.
Full Headshot Settings in free fire Samsung Galaxy A01,A02,A5, A7,A8,A9 sensitivity, custom hud, and dpi.
- dpi Samsung A10 free fire: 850.
- dpi Samsung A10s free fire: 900.
Full Headshot Settings in free fire Samsung Galaxy a10,a10s sensitivity, custom hud, and dpi.
- dpi Samsung A11 free fire: 799.
- dpi Samsung A12 free fire: 900.
Full Headshot Settings in the free fire for Samsung Galaxy A11,A12 sensitivity, custom hud, and dpi.
- dpi Samsung a20 free fire: 822.
- dpi Samsung a20s in free fire: 765.
- dpi Samsung a21s free fire: 740.
Full Headshot Settings free fire Samsung Galaxy A20,A20s,A21s sensitivity, custom hud, and dpi.
- dpi Samsung A30 free fire: 960.
- dpi Samsung A30s in free fire: 650.
- dpi Samsung A31 free fire: 780.
Full Headshot Settings free fire Samsung Galaxy A30,A30s,A31 sensitivity, custom hud, and dpi.
- dpi Samsung galaxy A40 in free fire: 775.
full free fire best settings for Samsung Galaxy A40.
- dpi Samsung galaxy A41 in free fire: 570.
- dpi Samsung galaxy A42 in free fire: 775.
full free fire settings for Samsung A41, A42.
- dpi Samsung galaxy A50 in free fire: 942.
- dpi Samsung galaxy A51 in free fire: 685.
- dpi Samsung galaxy A52 in free fire: 919.
All headshot settings in free fire for Samsung A50, A51, A52.
dpi free fire Samsung Galaxy (J).
- dpi Samsung J5 2016-2017 free fire: 700/780.
- dpi Samsung J5 Prime in free fire: 775.
- dpi Samsung J5 Pro free fire: 750.
Full Headshot Settings free fire Samsung Galaxy J5,J5 Prime,J5 Pro sensitivity, custom hud, and dpi.
dpi free fire Samsung Galaxy (M)
- dpi Samsung M10 free fire: 750.
Full Headshot Settings free fire Samsung Galaxy M10 sensitivity, custom hud, and dpi.
- dpi Samsung M11 free fire: 960.
Full Headshot Settings free fire Samsung Galaxy M10 sensitivity, custom hud, and dpi.
- dpi Samsung M12 free fire: 900.
Full Headshot Settings free fire Samsung Galaxy M12 sensitivity, custom hud, and dpi.
- dpi free fire Samsung m30: 540.
- dpi free fire Samsung m30s: 999.
- dpi free fire Samsung m31: 750.
- dpi free fire Samsung m31s: 600.
full headshot setting free fire for Samsung galaxy m30, m30s, m31,m31s sensitivity, custom hud, and dpi.
I hope these dpi work with you all and don't forget to share with us your headshot setting in the comments.